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How to Recover Installed Product Keys in Your Windows OS

If you are working in windows operating system and if you want to find out the Microsoft operating system product keys already installed in your system, then this how to guide is for you. You need a free software to recover your serial keys. I would suggest Magical jelly Bean Key Finder or Enchanted Keyfinder.

Magical Jelly Bean loads very quick and finds the product keys for you. You can find my screenshot below. I installed in my system, loading with Windows 7 Home premium. It was listed my Operating System key, Ms Office key and my IDM serial keys. 

Without this software, it is really hard to find your installed serial keys.

Some of the important features:

It scans Bootable and Non Bootable Hard Disk

Works well with 64 bit system

Recover Serials of Office 2010, Office 2007, Vista, & Windows 7 and Windows 8.

300+ supported programs.

Just take a try to load and save your serial keys for future use.
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About Raja Sekhar

Author is a Tech savvy and Web Enthusiast by nature and really love to help users by providing how-to posts and tech tutorials. He is a founder and author of technolamp.co.in and programming9.com. YouTube Channel to SUBSCRIBE:
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