We are all most familiar with you tube website, it is providing thousands of videos in different categories, different times, different up loaders, and much more important information is available. You can find statistics that 72 hours of video are uploaded to You Tube every minute. So it is some what time taking process to search the required video accurately, we have so many advanced searching filters in youtube itself. But is is better and recommended to search the necessary video accurately with smart searching.
You Tube adds both filters and refinements to the query and separates them by comma.
All you have to do is add a comma, space keyword
1. If you want any video with your specific keyword, use quotes
"technolamp" "happy days"
2. Want to find video in slow motion add , slow motion
movie, slow motion
3. Want to search for HD videos add , hd
group discussion, hd telugu movie, hd
4.Want to search for a movie add , movie
rajinikanth, movie ramayan, movie
5. Do you want to see any channel (collection) in youtube add , channel
video lectures, channel comedy, channel
6. Watch 3D videos on any question by adding , 3D
dredd, 3d movie, 3d
7. Search for long videos add , long
movie, long
8. Searching for musical videos add , music
song, music action, music relaxation, music
9. Search for animations add , animation
movie, animation song, animation
After your search term, add a comma followed by the category name, you can also combine these search keywords by adding an extra comma and Still we can use many un official searching formats like
english full length movies
telugu full length movies
hindi full length movies
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