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There are plenty of reasons to maintain different GMAIL accounts in our daily life. But here the question is can we open all accounts in a same browser? The answer is absolutely YES. Generally we will signout one account and relogin with an another account or we can use different browsers for different gmail accounts. Here i am giving simple instruction that how to be open multiple accounts in different tabs of same browser.

See the solution:

1. First login into your first GMAIL: account as usual.

2. Copy  URL of your first gmail account as shown in below figure.

3. Paste it in another  browser tab and change mail/u/0 to mail/u/1 on that selected text.

4. And keep remaining text as usual, Hit enter. Thats it.

5. Gmail shows you  for another log in screen

Very simple!  just make a try

If want to open directly click on your username after login and select ADD ACCOUNT button of bottom left.
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About Raja Sekhar

Author is a Tech savvy and Web Enthusiast by nature and really love to help users by providing how-to posts and tech tutorials. He is a founder and author of technolamp.co.in and programming9.com. YouTube Channel to SUBSCRIBE:
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